Professional solution for the remote management of refrigeration. Ho.Re.Ca and HVAC equipment
EPoCA® is a remote control and monitoring system based on a cloud platform. Originally developed to meet the management needs of the food preservation and cooking sector, it has been expanded to HVAC units in response to market demand.
To connect to the cloud system and remotely control machinery from a PC, tablet or smartphone, all users need is an EVCO controller with native EPoCA® technology and connectivity which is either built-in or provided by external hardware (EVCO gateways or EVlinking Wi-Fi modules). The devices can be asily configured using the dedicated desktop application or the EPoCA Start mobile app.
The responsive design and graphic interface developed to offer a pleasant user experience make EPoCA® a “ready-to-use” solution. All the control and monitoring functions, commonly found on professional platforms, are highly intuitive, even for entry-level users.
With the appropriate protection measures for access and data, the EPoCA® system allows one or more enabled users to operate remotely on the unit to configure its parameters, activate cycles, receive automatic alerts, view data (even in graph form) and download records in the most popular formats, such as XLSX, CSV and PDF.
To connect to the cloud system and remotely control machinery from a PC, tablet or smartphone, all users need is an EVCO controller with native EPoCA® technology and connectivity which is either built-in or provided by external hardware (EVCO gateways or EVlinking Wi-Fi modules). The devices can be asily configured using the dedicated desktop application or the EPoCA Start mobile app.
The responsive design and graphic interface developed to offer a pleasant user experience make EPoCA® a “ready-to-use” solution. All the control and monitoring functions, commonly found on professional platforms, are highly intuitive, even for entry-level users.
With the appropriate protection measures for access and data, the EPoCA® system allows one or more enabled users to operate remotely on the unit to configure its parameters, activate cycles, receive automatic alerts, view data (even in graph form) and download records in the most popular formats, such as XLSX, CSV and PDF.
Technical sheet
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