EV Sensor
Sensor system to control the differential pressure of fans and filters
EV Sensor is a sensor system which monitors and controls the differential pressure of fans and filters in air handling systems and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation. Equipped with two differential pressure transducers with full scale values of 600, 1600, 2500 and 10000 Pa, it measures fan pressure/flow in the two air ducts (inlet and extraction) or fan pressure/flow and the dynamic loss of load performance of the filter in a single duct.
The two inputs (which can be configured for either an analogue or digital signal) and a universal input allow two additional probes, for example, to measure the temperature in the inlet and extraction ducts, and a humidity probe to be connected. To make connection even easier, a 0-10 V analogue output is available to modulate fan speed and a tachometric input for feedback, which is used to detect any faults in the fan.
EV Sensor can be integrated with Master control devices via the RS-485 port with the MODBUS RTU protocol, allowing configuration using MODBUS registers (already implemented in most of EVCO controllers for air handling systems). The filter setpoint can be set in accordance with fan flow, optimising scheduled maintenance.
The two inputs (which can be configured for either an analogue or digital signal) and a universal input allow two additional probes, for example, to measure the temperature in the inlet and extraction ducts, and a humidity probe to be connected. To make connection even easier, a 0-10 V analogue output is available to modulate fan speed and a tachometric input for feedback, which is used to detect any faults in the fan.
EV Sensor can be integrated with Master control devices via the RS-485 port with the MODBUS RTU protocol, allowing configuration using MODBUS registers (already implemented in most of EVCO controllers for air handling systems). The filter setpoint can be set in accordance with fan flow, optimising scheduled maintenance.
Technical sheet
Instructions sheet EVSP0BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P0BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P0BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P1BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P2BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P5BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP1P1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP1P1BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP2P2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP2P2BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP5P5BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P0BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P0BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P1BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP0P2BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP0P5BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP1P1BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP1P1BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP2P2BA0
Instructions sheet EVSP2P2BS4
Instructions sheet EVSP5P5BS4
Advantages & Main Features

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